
The Forbidden Continent

There are all manner of strange tales concerning the continent of Deridia. Long ago, there was a nation there that conducted trade with the Nine Nations of Karridran; one day, however, all nine kingdoms forbade the people of Karridran to travel there…

It has been so long that no one can recall the true reason for why travel to Deridia was forbidden. Most records concerning the decision have been lost or destroyed, and what remains that isn’t tantalizingly vague seems to be nothing more than superstition, wild speculation, or outright fabrication. A few expeditions have been attempted over the years by the larger nations, but none of the exploration parties have returned. Ships that go missing in that part of the world are rarely found. There are those who claim to have been to the Forbidden Continent, but these claims are hardly credible, usually proven to be the stories of con artists or madmen. To date, no accounts of adventure in Deridia have been confirmed. Even so, the stories are many and varied. For an adventurer, proof of a return from Deridia’s shores would be the ultimate glory.

Life in Deridia: The Dreimari

Deridia today is a cesspool of magic gone awry and demons given free reign. Most of the crazy stories about Deridia pale in comparison to the truth, or come closer to true than one might be comfortable with.

While much of the landscape is twisted and uninhabitable (for the average human), Deridia is nonetheless home to a thriving nation. Unfortunately for any mortal unlucky enough to be stranded there, that nation is incredibly hostile towards outsiders, teeming with deviant sorcerers, and no longer truly human. The Dreimari- what is left of the ancient nation of Dreimar- have mingled with demons so much as to become an entirely new race. While more or less human in appearance, Dreimari possess a few decidedly inhuman characteristics:

1. The eyes of a Dreimari are strange, vivid colors and naturally emit a phosphorescence in dim lighting. (They can purposefully dim this light if they make a conscious effort.) The greater the concentration of demon blood in a Dreimari, the more vivid and luminous their eyes will be.

2. Dreimari are hardier and more resistant to magic than humans, dwarves, or elves. You’d be surprised what a Dreimari can live through.

3. Many Dreimari are adept at magic. The stronger the demon blood, the greater the aptitude for magic. Unfortunately, their volatile nature also means that those who are more human than demon tend to fall prey to magical addiction. A huge portion of Deridia’s denizens are addicted to magic, ever escalating to new heights just to get their fix or suffering dangerous withdrawal if they abstain from use of their gifts.

4. Violent, psychopathic, and sociopathic tendencies are natural and largely acceptable for Dreimari. Those with lower concentrations of demon blood are the most irrational and hot-headed or prone to hedonistic behavior, while those with a greater ratio of demon to human heritage may be chillingly detached and calculating.

These variations in regards to aspect account for the caste system of the Dreimari. Those with the most demon blood- and the brightest eyes, greatest magical prowess, and least remaining vestiges of humanity- are the ruling class, while the weakest and most temperamental are at the bottom. There are six distinct castes: the Princes (only the royal family and direct relatives), the Haruspices (diviners and demonic priests, responsible for carrying direct orders from true Demons), the Magi (fairly powerful magic users), the [Caste Name], the [Caste Name], and the Vermin (barely more than human, unable to wield any magic, and generally regarded as useless by other Dreimari).

The Princes rule Deridia from the sprawling mountain-top metropolis of Sheolhinom. This is where most Dreimari live, the city so overgrown that dwellings are stacked on top of one another until the very sun is blocked out; in certain districts, it is perpetually night, and the streets are lit only by mage-lights or torches. At the center of the city stands the Spire of Hammond, the home of the royal family. Just beyond the Spire is the temple of Xrimier, one of the most powerful Demons in Deridia.

Demons- true Demons- are the real power in Deridia. While the Dreimari have their own politics, it is nothing to the more cosmic-scale schemings of Demons, and anyone with half a brain can see that all Dreimari are pawns… even the Princes themselves.

The wilderness outside of Sheolhinom is fraught with danger, even for the durable Dreimari. The flora and fauna of Deridia are generally nasty- and what’s more, magically nasty. Most of this is the work of wizards past and present or the result of Demonic boredom. Sometimes even the land itself can’t be trusted. Generally speaking, it is safe for travelers or country-dwellers in Deridia to assume that absolutely everything can and will try to kill them.