by Erik K. Osbourne | Oct 10, 2015 | Characters
NAME: Koto Suzuki CLASSIFICATION: Hunter | Half-Fairy DESTINY: Flesh APPEARANCE: Short black hair and mainly Japanese looks, but her amber eyes and something fey about her facial features suggest that she’s mixed-race. Infectious smile. SKILLS/ABILITIES: Hunter...
by Erik K. Osbourne | Oct 10, 2015 | Characters
NAME: Lydia Mason CLASSIFICATION: Hunter | Half-Demon DESTINY: Blood APPEARANCE: Caucasian with dark red hair and uncomfortably bright blue eyes. Near-constant scowl. SKILLS/ABILITIES: Hunter training with a specialization in firearms and physical combat. Basic...
by Erik K. Osbourne | Nov 28, 2013 | Characters
Name: James David Chandler Gender: Male Species/Race: Human Age: 36 Birthplace/Universe: Hunterverse Occupation: Hunter General Appearance: Tall and lean with grey eyes and long dark hair that he ties into several little braids or wears down. Usually pale with dark...
by Erik K. Osbourne | Nov 28, 2013 | Universe Lore
Welcome to the world of It’s much like our world- perhaps it even is our world- but with something other lurking in the shadows. You’ve walked right by it without even knowing… or maybe you did know. Maybe you’ve met it face-to-face. If you...