by Erik K. Osbourne | May 9, 2017 | Roleplay Logs
“Don’t let it get away!” a lad cried in a voice still pitched high with the trappings of youth. Ilarion turned in time to see the boy round a corner, his hands stretched out in front of him as he ducked low to the ground, his fingers grasping for the...
by Erik K. Osbourne | Jan 15, 2014 | Universe Lore
Serrona Present Ruler: King Warmaster Feronin Valtierin Heir: Crown Prince Etienn Valtierin, Prince of the Sun, Duke of the First City Wife: Queen Empress Delphee of House Corbeaux, deceased. The King Warmaster has never remarried. Other Living Heirs: Count Yanis...
by Erik K. Osbourne | Jan 15, 2014 | Characters
General Information Name: Crown Prince Etienn Valtierin, Prince of the Sun, Duke of the First City Gender: Male Species/Race: Serronan Human Age: 26 Birthplace/Universe: The First City, Serrona Occupation/Schooling: Crown Prince and heir to Serrona’s throne....