Bare Bones Editing Service
Let me flesh out your writing!I would like nothing more than to help aspiring writers improve their work, bring out their hidden talent, and advance their careers.

Please review my terms before proceeding.
What I will do:
– Fanfiction. Fanfic editing may be offered free of charge or at reduced rates depending on the fic in question. Contact me with details.
– Original fiction for self-publishing, i.e. on a site such as FictionPress, a personal writing site, or self-published e-press. Fees/methods of payment may vary from my listed rates depending on method of publication.
– Erotica. I have no problem editing adult material!
– Blog/web articles and newsletters.
– Visual novel text or game dialogue for independent games. I would love to be involved in this kind of project, but absolutely must be credited.
What I will NOT do:
– Poetry. I will, however, proofread your poetry for grammar and spelling errors free of charge.
– Original fiction for major press publication. At present, I do not have the wherewithall to be a major publication editor and I advise you to seek a professional publication editor instead.
– Screenplays.
– Assignments for any level of schooling. If I find that you have used my services for a school essay or writing assignment, I will report the incident to your school and refuse you any future service.
– Plagiarized works. If I find that you are submitting someone else’s original text, you will be blacklisted as well.
– Any material that I find offensive. I reserve the right to decline any client if I personally object to the content of their work.
– Ghostwriting, i.e. writing under your name. While I do not necessarily object to the practice, this is not the type of service I am interested in providing.
What I expect from you:
– Be open to criticism and suggestions. I will respect your vision and your work, but in turn I ask that you respect my advice. It is not my intention to be mean or unfair. As your editor, I want to make your work shine. Remember, the final decision is always yours and you may ultimately reject any changes that I make.
– Keep in contact. This is not as important for a one-off article or short story job, but for ongoing or long-term works I will need to be able to reach you. If you know that you are going to be unavailable, let me know ahead of time; I will do the same for you. It is up to you whether we communicate solely via email or additionally through Discord/Skype.
– Send all manuscripts and drafts as Google Docs or in a compatible file format. If you have difficulties with or limitations concerning certain file types, please inform me.
– Be able to make payments via PayPal or Google Wallet. As much as I’d like to offer services otherwise, this is the safest way for me to handle payment.
Choose one of the following services:
Payment Information
2500 words or less – I will expect upfront payment.
2500-5000 words – You may pay upfront or a payment plan may be negotiated depending on your word count and situation.
5000+ words – Works that currently total or are expected to total over 5000 words will automatically qualify for a payment plan.
Developmental editing – Fees will be charged at a monthly rate depending on the number of hours spent on the editing process.
If you are requesting a payment plan, we will discuss the terms when you give me your word count or estimate.