by Erik K. Osbourne | Jun 25, 2016 | Characters, Realistic Characters
General Information Name: Taiyang Bai (“Yang”) Gender: Male Species/Race: Age: Birthplace/Universe: Occupation/Schooling: Physical Traits Model/Image Credits: General Appearance: Strengths: Weaknesses: Mental Traits Goals: Desires: Fears: Talents:...
by Erik K. Osbourne | Jun 25, 2016 | Characters, Realistic Characters
General Information Name: Mingyue Bai (“Yue”) Gender: Female Species/Race: Age: Birthplace/Universe: Occupation/Schooling: Physical Traits Model/Image Credits: Yiming Zhao General Appearance: Strengths: Weaknesses: Mental Traits Goals: Desires: Fears:...
by Erik K. Osbourne | Jul 12, 2013 | Characters
Character Name: Fu (written with upside-down Pinyin) Gender: Totally male, really you guys, totally. General Appearance: Fu looks young. And gawky. Outward Personality: A little awkward and gives off the appearance of trying too hard. Fu is clumsy, easily flustered,...
by Erik K. Osbourne | Jul 12, 2013 | Characters
Character Name: Chu Shun (Family name first!) Gender: Male General Appearance: Very handsome- beautiful, even. His Imperial Guard uniform looks oddly shabby on him, as if he outshines it. Outward Personality: A glib, silver-tongued flirt who doesn’t obey the...