by Erik K. Osbourne | Feb 14, 2014 | Ascendants Universe
Missing A series about a group of boat crash survivors who are stranded on a mysterious island. Israel Seelenfreud numbers amongst the ensemble cast. Monster Memoirs The most popular currently-running teen drama, Monster Memoirs tells the story of two vampires...
by Erik K. Osbourne | Feb 2, 2014 | Ascendants Universe
-Created before Earth and humans as servants of God in Heaven -Can take a corporeal form in the image of any living creature, but are restricted to manifesting only in that form from then onwards -Add more soon Seraphim Overseen by the Archangel Michael. Includes the...
by Erik K. Osbourne | Jan 31, 2014 | Ascendants Universe, Universe Lore
The Seven Heavens/Shamayim Araphel Raqiya Shehaqim Mayon Makhon Zebul Araboth Purgatory Adamah (Earth) Sheol Hell/Gehenna The First Circle/Limbo The Second Circle The Third Circle The Fourth Circle The Fifth Circle The Sixth Circle The Seventh Circle The Eighth Circle...
by Erik K. Osbourne | Dec 11, 2013 | Dizzie, Plots
Two sisters, one a parole officer and the other a therapist, have a secret: They’re supernatural bounty hunters and investigators! A were-dragon and an empath respectively, they’re currently working together to track down a bunch of missing kids from the...
by Erik K. Osbourne | Nov 28, 2013 | Universe Lore
Welcome to the world of It’s much like our world- perhaps it even is our world- but with something other lurking in the shadows. You’ve walked right by it without even knowing… or maybe you did know. Maybe you’ve met it face-to-face. If you...