by Erik K. Osbourne | Jan 15, 2014 | Snippets
“Pick me apart,” I gasp, pulling him down to cover me. My eyes are dilated, my fingers just a hint of claw at his throat. I am panting as I hold his gaze. Arching up into the palm of his hand, my body begs him to touch the stitches which I guarded from him...
by Erik K. Osbourne | Jan 15, 2014 | Snippets
I was having that dream again. *** “You wanted to be a bigger part of this story, didn’t you?” “Of course I did,” I answer, wiping a final fleck of spilled grey matter from my chin. It had taken a while to cobble myself back together,...
by Erik K. Osbourne | Jan 15, 2014 | Snippets
Asmodeus stands silent above me, grip slackening around the hilt of his sword. “Embrace it,” I whisper around the blood trickling down the back of my throat, as his moment of epiphany unfolds. I push myself to my feet, reaching out to lay my hand against...
by Erik K. Osbourne | Jan 15, 2014 | Snippets
As I was wandering in the dark I came across a little spark I am sure, when I accelerate and swerve out into the lane behind Asmodeus’s car, that my appearance comes as a dawning realization. I can see myself in his side mirror as I dart out of the chaos on the...
by Erik K. Osbourne | Jan 15, 2014 | Snippets
The news station shakes. Kaze pauses, mid-sentence, mouth gaping as his eyes finally leave me to turn heavenwards. His fear is acute, and I cannot blame him. He has to know the chaos that lies outside; he has to realize what this means for him, for Iwaku. I utter a...