The Emerald Witch has called you to her tower.

The invitation appeared without warning. It was slipped silently under the door of your room at the inn, left on the step of your family home, or even surfaced unannounced from the mail piled upon your desk. It was a simple letter, vivid green ink on pale parchment:

I have need of you. Come to me, do me this service, and I will grant your deepest desire.

Directions to the tower, deep in the woods, followed the plea. These might not have been necessary, for everyone knows of the Witch’s tower, though few venture there; the woods are strange and perilous, and the Witch does not take kindly to uninvited guests. It is said, however, that she is the most powerful sorceress in the land. If anyone can make your most impossible dreams come true, it is she.

You don’t know why she called for you. Perhaps you have a reputation for great deeds, but perhaps you have never realized the adventures that your heart craves and you wonder how she even knew your name or where to find you.

Regardless, you answered her call. Your reasons are your own, but they are enough.

One way or another, you reached her tower in one piece. The journey wasn’t easy. Unnatural beasts and odd happenings marked your passage through the deep woods.

Now, as you find yourself awaiting the nature of your quest- and meet the other souls who will be your companions- you realize that the true adventure is yet to unfold…

What You Wish For

Genre: High Fantasy/Epic Quest
Rating: We’re all big kids. I don’t expect this to devolve into gore and porn, but violence and sex are allowed as long as everyone is tasteful about it. Use spoilers or fade to black at your discretion. Keep in mind that some of your fellow players might not want to see it and be respectful, and that this isn’t going to be in the Mature section (so younguns might be reading along).
Characters: Anything that fits into a fantasy/fairy tale setting is acceptable. Just steer clear of anything too modern or sci-fi. When in doubt, run it by me first, but I want to give you guys room to breathe and get creative.
Posting: As long as you don’t go a month without a peep, you’re fine. I might occasionally hijack your character and/or the plot to get things rolling again, though. If you’re going on vacation or getting busy with stuff, let us know so we don’t wonder where you are. Anyone found nagging fellow players for posts will be keelhauled.