Lucifer was called Lumiel before the Fall. He and most of the other Fallen chose to abandon their angelic names as they became corrupted by Hell.

Lucifer’s “Archangels” were Muriel, Azazel, Samael, Sariel, Gadreel, and Sathariel.


Abbadon is the King of Sheol, the Land of the Dead. Once, she was a Dominion called Muriel; now, she has lost herself in tormenting spirits who do not pass into Hell.


Iblis is the father of demons and was once known as the angel Azazel, archangel of the Grigori and one of Heaven’s greatest warriors (having been taught by Lumiel himself). He betrayed Lumiel after the Fall and was allowed to remain in Heaven for a time, but was cast out again for pardoning those in his garrison who loved mortal women. In anger at the genocide of the Nephilim, he spawned the first demons and rejoined Lucifer in Hell.


As with Azazel, the angel Samael was not cast out when he stood by Lucifer in the War of Heaven. Instead, he was exiled to Makhon to oversee the Grigori and live out his days in penance. However, that was before he met and fell in love with Lilith, the first wife of Adam. When they ran away together from the Garden of Eden, his own soldiers hunted them down and murdered her. Samael went insane with grief and tore out his own wings, making it impossible for him to return to Heaven.


All angels are “brother and sister”, but Samael and Sariel were truer siblings than any others. Sariel was also the only Archangel to side with Lumiel in the War, and yet remains the only Fallen to retain her true name. She was Lumiel’s second once, but left both Heaven and Hell behind after the War. Her whereabouts are unknown.


In some circles, “Gadreel” is synonymous with “fool”. No one loved Lumiel more than Gadreel, his brightest pupil in the ranks of the Grigori. She loved him so much that even after the Fall, she allowed him entrance to the Garden and gave him the opportunity to tempt Eve. Even now she is blind with devotion, despite having lost her place in Heaven and become an embodiment of carnal temptation.


Eisheth was born Sathariel, the Gatekeeper and Princess of Heaven, beloved to Michael. Now she is the only one who holds the knowledge of the Shells of Hell and is tasked with instructing the next Ascendant on how to obtain his throne.