Constance DeWolf

The headstrong (and sheltered) only child of a rich widow, Constance is sixteen and absolutely old enough to do what she wants. Really. General Information Name: Constance DeWolf Gender: Female Species/Race: Human Age: 16 Birthplace/Universe: DeWolf Manor, near...

Corbin Knows The Gun

General Information Name: Corbin Knows The Gun Gender: Male Species/Race: Werewolf Age: Birthplace/Universe: Raymond, Montana Occupation/Schooling: Physical Traits Model/Image Credits: General Appearance: Strengths: Weaknesses: Mental Traits Goals: Desires: Fears:...

Dean O’Neil

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Deoric Wald

General Information Name: Deoric Wald Gender: Male Species/Race: Half-Dwarf Age: 36 Birthplace/Universe: Occupation/Schooling: Artisan glass blower Availability This character is AVAILABLE. Deoric Wald A former Archangel of Virtues in the Choir, Deoric has turned his...

Derek Calhoun

A widower who was very much in love with his wife, Derek is a visiting officer at Toko Aida Military Academy, his old alma mater. General Information Name: Derek Calhoun Gender: Male Species/Race: Human Age: Birthplace/Universe: Toko Aida Universe...